Thursday, September 25, 2014

Post 7: Concept Map- Organ Systems

Organ Systems                            

3rd Grade Science Standard: Life Science 3b- Identify and describe the purpose of the digestive, nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems of the body

Common Core Standard: W.3.2- Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.

I.       Muscular

To teach the muscular system, I would start by explaining that there are three types of muscles. I would bring in props that best illustrate and feel like the different types of muscle. After that I would have students tape different muscle cutouts to the human model and skeleton to show that they understand where the different types of muscles of the body are located. I would also point out some of the main muscles of the body for the students to start recognizing the names. In addition, I would teach my students that the main purpose of the muscular system is to provide all different types of movement for the body.

A.    Visceral Muscles

B.    Cardiac Muscles

C.    Skeletal Muscles

II.     Integumentary

When it comes to teaching the integumentary system, I would do an activity that makes the children sweat so that they can understand that the sweat is coming from the glands in their skin. I would also show many images and try to come up with other interactive methods to teach this system of the body. I would bring magnifying glasses for students so that they could examine their hair and skin better. It is important for the students to know that the integumentary system is designed to protect the inside of the body from harmful chemicals and diseases. The main parts of the integumentary system that I would teach are the glands, hair, skin, and nails. The skin is the largest organ of the human body.

A.    Glands

1.    Sweat Glands

2.    Salivary Glands

B.    Hair

C.    Skin

D.    Nails

III.    Cardiovascular

In order to teach the cardiovascular system, I would present the material to the students through a lecture. Afterward I would allow my students to participate in an activity that showed how the heart pumps. I would dye some water red and blue, use straws and water bottles to show how the heart pumps blood to the rest of the body as well as how it gets oxygen in the middle of the cycle. It is important for students to know that heart pumps blood to the rest of our body so that we can have oxygen and other nutrients. The blood is transported through the body through the blood vessels.

A.    Heart

B.    Blood Vessels

C.    Blood

IV.    Digestive

I believe that once again I would use an interactive method for teaching the digestive system. I would use a large human model to show my students the path of the digestive system. I would also use crackers and lemon juice to show my students how the stomach dissolves the food content taken in. The purpose of the digestive system is for the body to take in the nutrients that it needs. The digestive system then will get rid of all of the stuff in the body that was taken in that is no longer useful. I would go through each of the main organs of the digestive system.

A.    Mouth

B.    Throat

C.    Stomach

D.    Anal Canal

V.     Skeletal

When it comes to teaching the skeletal system, I would explain the different parts of the skeletal system. I would then let the children explore using the classroom skeleton. After that, I may create a scavenger hunt type of game to help students learn some of the different bones and distinguish a bone from a joint. It is important for students to know that the purpose of the skeletal system is to provide support and structure for the body. The skeletal system was also designed to protect our internal organs.

A.    Bones

B.    Joints

VI.    Nervous

To teach the nervous system, I would definitely use an instructional video that showed how the nervous system works. I would then follow the video with an activity where the students could reenact how the nervous system works. I most likely would split the class into two different groups. One group could be the central nervous system and the other the peripheral nervous system. The two groups would work together and be able to visualize how the brain, spinal cord, and nerves work together to form the nervous system. The main purpose of the nervous system is for the brain to send signals to the rest of the body.

A.    Central Nervous System

1.    Brain

2.    Spinal Cord

B.    Peripheral Nervous System

1.    Nerves


  1. You could speak a little louder, but you have a nice voice to listen to. I like how your concept map is very detailed but still easy to read. The concept map also has really cute illustrations that are also informative. Very knowledgable about content information!

  2. I really like how you will teach the students of the different systems with the crackers and lemon juice, the hair, and the skeleton that you will have present. I think you spoke very clearly and at the perfect volume. Good Job!

  3. I like your classroom ideas! Good job!

  4. Visually, your presentation looks amazing. I love how clean and matching all your pictures are. The idea about the crackers in lemon juice sounds really cool too. I never would have thought of that. I also like the "feeling" the muscles idea. That'd be great for hands-on learners. You seem to be very creative and I think your students will really enjoy that.

  5. This lesson was so good! I like how you talked about the activities you would include for each topic. Your voice and tone was perfect!

  6. I like how explain exactly what you would say to your students and how you would teacher it to them.

  7. Very good ideas. Love the hands on ideas. Most of the time this kind of stuff is very lecture-oriented.

  8. I really enjoyed all of your activites!!

  9. Well organized. Great projection of voice and clear speaking. I liked how you threw in the teaching techniques you would use to teach each part of the organs. Overall great job.

  10. Jordan, you have a number of links that go to the same web site but different topics. For parts of the body add some computer games and videos.

  11. I think that visually the map was very interesting. Also, I think you talking about what you would do in the classroom was very good.

  12. I liked how you explained what activity you would use with each topic. You did a very good explaining your topic. I like your concept map. You spoke very well. Great job!

  13. You did a great job presenting your concept map and telling how you were gunna teach each student about each section.

  14. I think this would be great for an upper grade, maybe 6th? just because the content is so rich with advanced vocabulary and visuals- it may require more background knowledge in their everyday lives to be able to connect to the info for memory. Suggestion: for 3rd grade maybe just make a smaller version of the map with a little less content. Really good job though!!
