Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Post #3

Post #3- Notes on Horizon Report

On page 6, the report says that teachers will need to learn to be more adept at using technology in the classroom. While I understand that it is important to use technology in the classroom, I do not like the idea of it constantly being a factor. I do not believe that everything has to be learned through technology.

For the Fast Trend note, I do think that it is important for schools to adopt successful computer programs to help students. I believe that technology can be used in a beneficial way in education, however I do not think that education should revolve completely around technology.

The idea of using technology to help produce projects is a great way to get students interested in completing the project, but could also hinder students' writing skills and legibility if they mostly work on the computer.

I do like how there are people who are working to use technology as a means of learning outside of the classroom. I think that it is important for students to continue learning at all times. Learning should not stop outside of the classroom.

THe mid-range trend is a more reasonable idea. I know that for my generation technology has basically been there the whole time for us, but it is not reasonable to expect schools to adopt educational technology the way the report wants it in one to two years. Three to five years is a much better and reasonable time frame.

I still struggle with the idea of using many online learning components simply for the fact that I may have students who do not have home access to the internet or any type of computer technology. While some of those practices may be useful in the classroom, it could be unfair to assign any type of homework with an online component. You cannot expect elementary students to come to school early or stay after for computer access like you can a high schooler.

There should be a good mix between traditional and innovative models.

I do like how innovative learning strategies cause the teachers to have a great grasp of the underlying pedagogies.

I think that the integrated personalized learning could be a great way for students to grasp concepts and work at a pace and in a way that is right for them.

If schools are going to use technology to the extent that this report makes it out to be then I think that student data safety is essential. There should be nothing at risk or alarming whenever a student is using technology in the classroom. With so many people knowing how to breach systems, it is not fair to ask a student to put personal information on the web.

The wicked challenges are very difficult to respond to.

I still think that it is important for students to learn language arts, math, social studies, and science because it is good knowledge that students should know. While I understand that every student is not going to retain everything they learn in those subjects, it is good for students to at least be aware and somewhat knowledgeable on the topics.

It is good to split technology up into groups because when I think of technology, I immediately think of social media when in reality that is only a small category of technology.

It is not reasonable to have each student to bring in their own technology object in a year. Some families may not even be able to make a purchase like that for their child.

I am not sure that I am too fond of the bring your own device policy.

Cloud computing is an iffy subject for me. While the idea of cloud computing is good, I am uncomfortable with the idea that people could just breech the system and get all of my work and information.

The Internet of Things could be a really cool way to connect technology with the physical world.

Wearable technology is a thing however I do not believe it really become a factor for elementary students any time soon.


  1. I will also hesitate to use technology and devices in my classroom. Children that do not have internet access and devices at home will have a hard time being successful in the classroom.

  2. I see a repeating factor in your notes-- that being that technology is important, however, you do not want it to be a main factor in your teaching. I completely agree with that idea. I won't be hesitant when using technology because it does have lots of important qualities, but we as teachers must be mindful of the fact that every home will not own a computer or a means to computer based learning.

  3. I see you took a lot of notes about the importance of technology. I think this is good and I think it is also important because it is growing everyday and the more ways we can learn to integrate it into our teaching the better teachers we will be.
