Monday, December 8, 2014

Final Blogfolio

Final Project Blogfolio

Introduction Video: For the introduction video assignment, I learned how to upload a video from a mobile cellular device to the classroom computer and then to the blog. While this does not seem like a very hard task to learn, it is still a task that I have never had to do before enrolling in this course. The only problem that I really encountered while completing this assignment was getting the video to load and send in the email. In order to solve this problem, I made sure that my Wi-Fi connections were what they should have been and then patiently waited for the video to load. Luckily, it was not difficult finding a solution to this problem. One way that I will use this knowledge in the classroom is by having my students create their own video after completing a unit. Once they create their videos, I will have the students upload it to a site like Drop Box so that the students can learn how to upload videos to the computer. The NETS-T standard that aligns with this assignment is number 2a: Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments- Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity. This assignment met this standard because students had to use a mobile device to create an introduction video instead of standing in front of the class to give the information. Then students had to figure out how they would get the video to their blog with the help of their own creativity.

Concept Map: Upon completion of the concept map assignment, I learned how to use a program called Inspiration. Since then I have downloaded the trial version onto my personal computer so that I could create organized and uniformed concept maps for other classes. The main problems that I experienced while doing this assignment were getting one of my images to save in a place that I could keep as well as finding a Common Core State Standards strand that matched my lesson. I solved the image issue by uploading the image that I wanted to use to my Drop Box so that I would have access to it the next class period. The reason that I struggled with the standard is because I chose a science subject for the concept map, but there are no Common Core elementary standards. I ended up solving the problem by thinking of an assessment to go along with my concept map ideas so that I could use a writing standard. I will use this knowledge in my classroom by using the same software in my class as well as my having students finalize some of their own concept maps using the program. This will allow students to incorporate technology into what is otherwise a boring activity as well as gives students something to present to the class. The NETS-T standard that matches this assignment is 1c: Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments- Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes. This assignment meets this standard because students had to create a concept map using special technology in order to plan a potential lesson. Students had to be creative in their planning and use a combination of technological resources to get the job done.

Website: While working on the teacher website assignment, I learned some of the specific elements that should be included in a teacher’s personal web page. I realized how important it is to make your contact information easily accessible as well as having an updated calendar for parents to look at. One main problem that I encountered was entering the dates on my calendar as well as inserting the calendar onto the page. It was very time consuming to enter each date. To solve these problems, I talked to a neighbor to collaborate on the best way to enter the dates. There was no quicker way to do it. I personally did not like having the Google calendar linked. I would have preferred a home-made calendar through a computer program, but that was not an option. My neighbor ended up showing me how to insert the calendar and then I added the dates once the calendar was inserted. I will use the knowledge when creating my own classroom page one day. I would prefer to not use the Google sites if possible though. However I now know some of the important elements on a teacher’s website. I can use this website as a reference when creating my real web page. The standard that aligns with this assignment is 3b: Model digital age work and learning- Collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation. This standard applies to this assignment because the website is a way for teachers to provide information to the public using technology. The website also provides web resources in order to help students be more successful in the classroom, which is an aspect of this standard.

Movie: Upon completion of the movie assignment, I learned how to create a movie using the computer software as well as how to export the video in a format where it can be shared for views. The main difficulty that I experienced during this project was not having enough time designated for each image so that the text could be read. The way that I solved this issue was by adding extra time to each slide that seemed to go by too fast. I needed each slide to be on the screen long enough that the captions could be read at an appropriate pace. The settings within the program made it rather easy to solve this problem. I plan to use this knowledge in the classroom by creating reflective videos for different units or activities that we have done in the class over the year. This would be really good to do after a field trip so that students can be reminded of what they have learned and are able to reflect on it. This is also a good way to share experiences in the classroom with parents who could not be there to experience it live. The NETS-T standards that matches this assignment is 2c: Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments- Customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources. The reason that I found this standard appropriate for this assignment is because the movie could demonstrate the different ways that students learn and show students using their own method to figure out problems. The movie would show how each of the students use different learning styles to be successful.

Turn It In: The Turn It In assignment taught me how plagiarism sites work and allowed me to see the types of changes necessary in the text in order to summarize instead of plagiarize. The only problem that I encountered while working on this project is that I misread an email sent about the assignment and could not add my sources to the revised paper. In order to solve this problem, I had to contact Dr. Beedle and ask him to reopen the assignment so that I could add my sources to the paper. I will take this knowledge to the classroom by teaching my students the importance of giving others credit for their work. I will most likely not use Turn It In in my own classroom simply because it will be elementary school grades that I will be working with. Most of their work will be hand-written in class before being typed so I do not suspect much plagiarizing will be occurring. The NETS-T standard that aligns with this project is 4a: Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility- Advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources. I believe that this standard is perfect for this assignment because the purpose behind the Turn It In assignment was to teach students that it is their responsibility to respect other authors and students’ works. It is important to be honest in where their information is coming and that is what this assignment was all about.

Webtools: For the webtools assignment, I learned how to use some new resources that help create rubrics and quizzes. I did not learn very much from the Trackstar website. That website was very similar to what I did on my website assignment. The website for Trackstar was just a website to store resources and will probably not be a resource I take to the classroom with me. The only problem that I encountered while doing this assignment was that I could not get my quiz/test to save in the right format. In order to solve this problem, I ended up screenshotting the test that I created so that I could insert a copy of the quiz onto my blog. I will take this knowledge to my own classroom by possibly creating rubrics through the website I learned about through this website. I may also create online review quizzes for students to take at home for practice for future tests. The standard that matches this assignment is 3a: Model digital age work and learning- Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations. This standard aligns with this particular project because the use of the webtools shows fluency in technology. It also shows how current knowledge can be combined with technology to create successful outcomes.

Google Documents: The Google document assignment taught me how to set up documents that can be shared for editing with other peers. The document was available to three students and each one was able to edit it as they pleased. I honestly did not experience any problems with this assignment. The only problem I may have experienced while working on this assignment is that you had to rely on other group members to get their portion of the work done, so I wasn’t sure when one of the group questions was posted. I solved this problem just by trying to check my email on a regular basis in case I received any type of notification. I also had a hard time coming up with information for the presentation, as I was the last person to edit the document. However that was not a problem based on the technology. I will use this knowledge later on by creating Google documents if I need my co-workers to submit ideas or other information that needs to be edited and shared. The standard that matches this assignment is 5b: Engage in professional growth and leadership- Exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of others. This standard aligns with this assignment because the project allowed for community sharing and editing of the document through technology, which can be considered a form of professional leadership and development. The project also developed the technology skills of others as the standard discusses.

Reflection (414 words):
Overall, I have learned a decent amount of information about technology in the classroom over this past semester. I think that I have learned to be more open about using technology in the classroom. At the beginning of the semester, I was very against using a lot of technology in the classroom. However, I have realized some benefits to using it. I have definitely learned how to use some of the video editing tools on the computer. Also I have learned how to use Google documents, which is knowledge that I could take to the classroom with me.
            I would say that my strong points would be using the Inspiration program and movie-editing program. My weak point was definitely formatting the website. I think that the two programs were my strong points because there were definite instructions on how to use them whereas I felt like the website was unknown territory.
            My future learning goals would be to meet with a specialist or someone who is very knowledgeable about websites. I want my future website to be a great resource for all of my students as well as for their parents. While I am not confident in my ability to figure it out on my own, I am confident that I could learn to create a resourceful website with the help of an acquaintance. The reason that I struggled so much with the website assignment was because I felt like I did not have someone guiding me on how to use the program. I didn’t need help picking out the details of it but simply learning to use the tools available.
            I definitely plan to integrate technology into the classroom. I would love to have pen pals across the country or world that my students can Facetime with or email with back and forth. I also would love to use technological programs for remediation and enrichment types of activities. In addition, I would love to use some form of clicker in the classroom to have fun pop quizzes.
            E-Portfolios and blogs are very useful and great tools in college. However, I am not sure about using them in the elementary classroom. I am still very old-fashioned when it comes to technology use. I still like paper books and physical copies of assignments. I think that it would be a decent idea to use them for a portion of a semester but not use an E-Portfolio for an entire school year in the elementary grades. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

IT Safe Practices Questions

1. A. Facebook
   B. Skype
   C. Instagram
2. The consequences for what students post on social media consist of criminal charges, loss of friends or loved ones, disgrace to the school, bullied.
3. sexting- the corresponding of sexual messages via texting
   cramming- to shove into something
   cookies- The file to a webpage on the internet
   Trojan horse- A horse used to ride into Troy
   phishing- to scam someone's personal information
             by: Vangie Beal
   spyware- Gathering information via internet
            By: Vangie Beal
   rootkit- programs to allow administrators access to networks and computers
            By: Margaret Rouse
   zombie- someone that came back from the dead
           20 November 2011
           By: Naomi Alderman
4. These screen names are poor choices because they are too vague and very personal. They are degrading to the individual and could be offensive to others viewing them.
5. With screen names like what is listed, kids could set off an image they do not necessary want to. The students presenting these screen names could come off as trashy or even worse.
6. Tom_Eavens34 : This screen name reveals the first and last name of the user as well as a possible sports number.
Missy-13 : This screen name reveals that the user is a female.
AndyKarateKid : This screen name reveals the first name of the user and that the user partakes in karate.
ViolinGurl : This screen name reveals that the user is female and that she plays the violin.
restlinmatch : this screen name reveals that the user is a wrestler.
7. i8sushi2- I would consider this a bad screen name; as a user of social media I prefer to be able to tell who other users are and this is not a clear screen name.
Soccerstar- I would consider this a bad screen name because, again, it does not clearly state who the user is.
Puppygirl1234- According to user name requirements, this would be considered a good user name because it uses a capital letter, it is lengthy and it contains numbers.
KeKe1995- I would consider this a good user name. It identifies the user without revealing the full identity of the user, which would be good for the users safety.
Bookworm- I would consider this a bad user name because it does not contain numbers, which is a requirement of most social media sites.
2BorNot2b- I would consider this a good user name when thinking about user name requirements, because it uses capital letters, it is lengthy and it contains numbers.
Choco-holic- I would not consider this a good user name because it is not clear and it does not use numbers.
CapitalOfens- I would not consider this a good user name because it does not contain number or a symbol.
AmrcanIdol2- This would be a good user name because it is lengthy and contains numbers and capital letters.
BellaIsabella- I would consider this a good user name because it is clear who the user is.
DarkAngel666- I would consider this a bad screen name because it gives off negative vibes to those who might come across it.
Karla-Love-1996- I would consider this a bad user name because it is too revealing of the user and is not safe.
SimplyMe- I would consider this a bad user name because it needs numbers.
gUn4hiRe- I would consider this a bad screen name because it highlights negative connotations.
babyfaceLA- I would consider this a good user name because it uses a variety of letter cases and is lengthy.
Watup?- I would consider this a bad user name because it is un-original.
8. HipHop45 luvvbug74 rebelfan06
9. a) No (b) yes -3 (c) yes -3 (d) no (e) yes +2 (f) yes +2 (g) no (h) no (i) no (j) no
(K) no (L) no (m) no (n)no (o) no (p) yes -3
10. While I could not find any evidence to back up this claim, I believe that the most-common reason that students’ online accounts are broken into each year is because students give their password to their friends, who then decide to use it or give it to others who use it. Also, the least common reason for students would probably be a password-cracking program. I believe that the programs are responsible for the majority of the hacking around the world, but not so much in students as in adults.
11.       After watching the malware video, I became very concerned about the safety of my computer. It is extremely scary to realize that the Internet has software that can download and infect your computer without you having any idea about it. I have learned that it so important to check your computer for any unusual or new icons. The video also said that the programs can download into apps on the computer as well.
            In order to protect yourself from these nasty programs, you should install software that allows you to check your computer frequently for unusual software. Also, I plan to check my Internet web browser settings. Most computers come on a medium security setting, whereas they should be set on high security settings. I plan to be more careful now on the computer after seeing how nasty the malware can be. I also plan to keep a close eye on my school computer when I am a teacher so that I do not lose any important data because of malware. I hope that this problem is something that I will never have to deal with.
12.       The first test that I took was the identity theft quiz. This quiz said that I was at a low risk for identity theft because I shred papers with personal information on them, I do not have my social security or driver’s license number on it, and I check my credit card statements and check for the lock sign when purchasing items online.
            The second quiz that I took was all about financial fraud. The quiz ended up saying that I was at a very low risk for financial fraud because I research all companies before making investments, choose not to do much business out of the country, and do not reply to emails from companies I am unfamiliar with. All of these reasons are ways to reduce the chance of experiencing financial fraud through the Internet.
            The third quiz I took was about unwitting accomplice in crime. The quiz said that I was at a very low risk. The reason for this is because I do not chat with those I do not know online nor do I send gifts to people online that I have never met. I personally do not befriend those I do not know personally so this issue is most likely not one I will ever have to deal with. I also have not tried to do business from home through the Internet, which is a positive thing according to this website.
13. The article that I have chosen to summarize is titled “CYBER CRIMINALS USING FAKE GOVERNMENT E-MAIL TO PERPETRATE SCAM.” This article was about cyber criminals who were pretending to be the Internet Cyber Complaint Center. This is a branch of the government. The cyber criminals were sending emails that said the receiver was being charged for a type of crime and provided the legal consequences they could face if they did not respond to the email. The emails seemed legitimate however the IC3 never threatens people for not answering emails.