Thursday, November 13, 2014

Tech-Friendly Classroom

The article called "Guide to Creating Tech-Friendly Classroom Management Strategies" includes four strategies on how to create the right environment for children while using technology. The first strategy was to do your homework as the teacher. As a teacher, you need to plan the lesson, do the legwork, and do troubleshooting. The second strategy is to identify the learning goals. Students stay on task better when the teacher merely states what the learning goals are. The third strategy is to step away from the computer. Allow students to still be creative. Put the technology down and allow students to learn through auditory and tactile modes. The fourth strategy is to capitalize on their willingness to explore with technology. As a teacher, you must realize that technology learning is less structured than traditional learning.

I agree with what this author had to say. Teachers definitely need to be prepared for the problems that arise when using technology. It is a lot of work to prepare for an entire class to do an assignment using technology. I also think that it is important with any lesson that the teacher tells the students what the learning goals are. Students like to know why they are having to learn what they are. I also think that technology should not be used constantly in the classroom. Lastly, it is important to allow students to be exploratory. They are naturally curious and that should be fostered. However, as a teacher, you should make sure that their explorations are appropriate.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Why Children Can't Sit Still

The article that I read is called "Why so many kids can't sit still in school." This article was all about how so many students are being diagnosed with ADHD. It is sometimes frustrating to the parents and even more so to the kids.  Even in a fifth grade classroom that the author observed, students were constantly fidgeting during the lesson. The author correlated the rising ADHD diagnoses with the fact that students are not allowed to move. They spend too much time in an upright position trying to be still when in fact they should be moving. Kids should be moving so that their vestibular and sensory systems can develop properly. These systems are not developing like they should be in children due to the lack of movement.

I definitely plan to address this issue within my own classroom. I think that one of the best ways to do that is to allow students to be active during lessons. I could take my students outside for science and English lessons. This would allow students to explore and lay-down while writing about their experience with having class outside. Also, it is important to create hands-on activities where students are allowed to move and not just sit still at a desk all of the time. I will also try to allow quick breaks in between lessons where students can move. Hopefully all of these accommodations will help my students' vestibular and sensory systems to develop properly and will help with the attention problems during lesson time.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

6 Must Watch Videos

Video 1- Classroom of Tomorrow: This video showed a classroom that used advanced technology in most situations. While the technology was interesting, I felt that the students were not getting the same type of communication practice and skills in that classroom compared to students in a traditional classroom. The technology shown in this video is better for older students because it would help get them engaged, however I think that use of that much technology in an elementary classroom is unnecessary.

Video 2- The Voice of the Active Learner: This video was all about learning online. While I personally enjoy being able to learn new information within seconds of typing it into my phone, many sources on the Internet are unreliable. I do not think that online learning is the best type of learning for everyone. Some students may find great success in it, however I dropped the one online class that I was enrolled in. I dropped it because I felt like I was not getting the right kind of information from the course. I thought that I was cheating myself by not having the interactions with my teacher and other students in the classroom. I understand why adult degree programs are offered online, however I am unsure of why high school students need online classes.

Video 3- The Future Starts Now: I understand where the author is coming from when saying that students should be allowed to learn with technology because that is what they are comfortable with. Yet, there is a time and place for everything. I believe that students should learn using hands-on experiences with their peers in the classroom, but I think that technology is good for reinforcing concepts and ideas. I think that technology is great for the extra visuals that some students need but that technology does not have a place to be used constantly in the classroom.

Video 4- Designing Schools for 21st Century Learning: This video was all about the design of learning environments. The video said that students must feel secure and have a stimulus rich environment. I really liked how the architect in the video thought that it was important to have natural light in the classroom. I think that the natural light can bring a lot to a classroom. Also, I really liked how open the classrooms were. The classrooms were large enough to have traditional lecture area while also having an open space that could be used for independent work or group work. The seating was comfortable allowing students to relax and be ready to work. I think that this type of design for a classroom could be really beneficial, especially for older students.

Video 5- Tools and Resources for the 21st Century Education: This video presented a list of tools and resources that teachers can use with the help of technology in their classroom. The only thing that I wish would have been different about this video is that it would have shown clips of the programs being used. The list is nice, however I would have to do a lot of research to figure out which programs have the best features and will create the best learning environment.

Video 6- A Vision of 21st Century Teaching: It is true that many students will be able to communicate better through technology and that they will enjoy digital projects. However, I still think that the shy students should learn to communicate in a traditional classroom setting. I think that technology is great in assisting students but not being responsible for the majority of their learning. Technology should be integrated in the classroom but not necessarily required. Not every student will enjoy digital projects. I did not like them in middle and high school and fear that I will have a hard time liking them as a teacher.

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